Friday, August 17, 2018

Teaching in Taiwan

Teaching in Taiwan

What was it like to teach in Taiwan?  Or abroad for that matter? Here is a short account and dedication to my teaching abroad experience in Taoyuan, Taiwan.

1. Fun and games!

At least it was mostly fun and games where I worked at Gloria English School.  With lovely co-teachers to handle communicating with the parents and keeping track of students homework, my job was all fun and games.  With the exception of explaining things in simple English here and there of course.

Summer Camp

2. Challenging

Have you ever had a child speak a foreign language at you and you have absolutely no idea what they are saying?  The look on their face is so sweet and innocent and all they want is for you to understand.  It's like walking around as if you were a blind minion trying to find out where to go. Or a big game of Charades!

3. Isolating

I felt like an outsider a lot and often walked around in my little bubble.  I was in my own world, even at school sometimes because everyone around me was speaking Chinese. It helped me teach the students because I could relate to what they were going through trying to understand me.

Piper, Friday

4. Comfort zone?

That's right, there is no comfort zone that exists here. Students love you and show it.  I can't tell you how many times my bum got poked or I got laughed at for singing or for drawing silly pictures on the whiteboard.  But, we do it for the students, to trick them into learning English.

Lily, Wednesday

5. Rewarding

To meet a child and have them be able to talk to you in their second language is a beautiful thing.  For them to understand you and you to understand them is a huge deal and making a positive impact on their lives makes this job very rewarding.  They might even miss me!

I want to send a HUGE
Thank You!!! 
To everyone I worked with, spent time with, learned from, played Frisbee and kickball with, and went on adventures with...I will always keep you in my heart.

Ellie, Tuesday

Rita, Wednesday
Rachel, Tuesday

Cindy, Monday

Matty, Saturday

Anne, Thursday

Sally, Thursday

Claidy, Firday

Yvonne, Friday

P.S. This occurred every Thursday for me...

Thank you for looking at some of my pictures.  
Until next time, 

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